Disaster Response Live Report

Our Current Campaigns

Water Women Trained in 2024

Navajo Nation
Navajo Nation

She’s our hero. She’s our mission.

We envision a world in which Water Women are recognized as a real and present solution for the billions of thirsty people.

We see the CHALLENGE

How to change the thirsty world, NOW? Water By Women!

Safe drinking water is the quickest, surest way to change the world.

There are millions of communities across this planet, home to the nearly 2 billion people who drink contaminated water. Waterborne illness is the greatest barrier between them and community prosperity: health, security and economic development.

Water Women are a quick, long-lasting water solution that costs a fraction of engineered infrastructure.

Water Women are the change they want to see in their thirsty world, NOW ~ safe water for their children, their families and their communities.

Water Women are their own heroes… and ours.
They accept the challenge of maintaining a lifetime household water filter*, and of sharing it with their neighbors. They agree that everyone should have access to safe drinking water. They are willing to share the blessing they have received.

*Sawyer PointONE ~ The only household water filter which exceeds US EPA standards, is guaranteed to last a lifetime with proper care. 

We see the women, waiting ~ There’s an untapped resource in every community: WOMEN.“God has put smart women in every corner of the planet.” Sister Larraine Lauter, co-founder 

We see the women on standby ~
Women who are longing to make a difference.
Women who are smart, motivated, compassionate, willing to serve.
Women who are READY to be the change they want to see for their thirsty world.

We see the QUESTION

How to give safe water NOW where there are no engineers?

Most thirsty people live in communities where there are no engineers ~
where water infrastructure is a distant pipe dream.

Water Women are a real and present hope for these communities in need of safe, healthy water.

We empower Water Women  to provide safe water for their families and communities, wherever engineered infrastructure seems unlikely or unsustainable.

Nearly 2 BILLION People are desperately thirsty for safe, healthy water. MILLIONS of desperately thirsty communities are many years from sustainable water infrastructure.

People die everyday waiting for the promise of water infrastructure.

Dirty water kills a small child about every 8 seconds.

Where there are no engineers, let there be Water By Women!

We see the ANSWER

Empower the women of the thirsty world, NOW.

We see 100 million women on stand by for 1.7 billion thirsty people, ready to change the world through water.

They’re waiting for YOU to see them, too. We set up Water Women Networks across each community ~
ONE Water Woman for every FOUR households means safe water for ALL.
A great filter in the hands of a Water Woman means MORE IMPACT.
Women are ready to serve.
Women want safe water NOW for their children, families and neighbors.

We equip them with THE BEST ~ Every Water Woman receives The BEST Technology ~ A lifetime Sawyer PointONE* filter ~ simply the best filter system we can find.

We favor the Sawyer PointONE* filter because it ~
~ lasts a lifetime with proper care
~ filters out all harmful pathogens and microplastics
~ is powered by gravity
~ easily filters plenty of daily drinking water for four households
The BEST Training ~ 3+ hours of professional preparation for her new role
~ conducted by our certified teams, all nationals of the country where they serve~ following our required, structured training process, as set forth in the Water Woman Training Manual
~ based in best practices for adult learningSee Water Women in Honduras, through the eyes of creator, outdoor educator, and industry expert Miranda Webster of Miranda Goes Outside.‍

Click to watch Miranda’s video on youtube


We see the ANSWER in ACTION

Every day, Water Women are meeting the water needs of their communities.

More Water Women are on the way, when you empower them!

Every $75 we receive becomes another Water Woman, within a few weeks.

Water Woman Training Teams are out and about nearly every day.

When YOU see the women, YOU

Yes, YOU can empower Water Women!

It only takes a one-time gift of $75 to make HOPE happen NOW for another woman on standby.

Need more time? As a monthly sustainer, you can save your way towards another Water Woman, for as little as $7.50 a month.

Blessed and ready to give? There are plenty of women out there, waiting for YOU to take them off standby and put them into action.

YOU can make HOPE happen NOW!

Accountable, Transparent, Data-Driven

GIS* technology takes Water By Women to the highest level ~

*Geographic Information Systems: click to learn more about how GIS works.

Every Water Woman enrolled:
~ her training location geo-located in interactive online maps
~ data collected: her name, age, home village, household size, number of children, general household health report
~ her photo (shared only with her express permission)

Every sponsorship ($75) matched to a unique Water Woman:
~ every donor and funder entitled to view the data for Water Women they have sponsored, with some privacy restrictions
~ large-scale funders may request custom map dashboards where newly sponsored Water Women appear as they are enrolled.
~ prayer cards for spiritual support of individual Water Women also available.
Impact demonstrated by follow up surveys and data analysis:
~ large-scale funded projects include follow up surveys of 10% of Water Women
~ remarkable outcomes: major reductions in rates of childhood diarrhea, cholera, other waterborne diseases.
In Haiti, communities saturated with Water Women correlate to very low rates of cholera, per Haiti Ministry of Health reports.

Where we are

  • The Americas
  • Honduras
  • Haiti
  • Ecuador
  • Nicaragua
  • Navajo Nation
  • Eastern Kentucky
  • Southeast Asia
  • The Philippines
  • Eastern Africa
  • Uganda
  • Tanzania
  • Kenya
  • Zambia

Water Women may be found in 48 countries, many of which came about through limited, small-scale church mission efforts. Click to see a global map of countries where Water Women have enrolled to serve their communities.

About Us

As Water With Blessings, (2008-2023) we evolved from a tiny charity benefiting a lucky few, to a fully developed organization with the vision, capacity and expertise to bring the blessing of safe water to entire communities, through the hearts and hands of Water Women. NOW, as Water By Women, (2023 and onward) we’re an internationally recognized model that is bringing innovation to the WASH* sector: where there are no engineers, let there be Water By Women!

*WASH ~ the acronym for WAter, Sanitation and Hygiene.

About Our New Name

We love our “old name” and all that it implies.

We remain faithful to the spiritual values of Water With Blessings:
~ our Christian faith that leads us to service of others
~ our ecumenical collaboration, beyond denominational boundaries
~ our interfaith outreach, trusting “the befriending Spirit” at work in all people of good will
~ our trust in the spiritual commitment of the Water Women, each according to her own convictions
Supportive men are integral to our work. Men serve and lead with women on our board, staff, and training teams.

Our new name, Water By Women, shines a light on our distinctive, innovative model.
We believe Water By Women offers hope for a thirsty world, especially where there are no engineers.
We envision a world in which the Water By Women model is recognized as a real and present solution for the billions of thirsty people who have no hope of engineered safe water.We seek to inspire women-centered models of change wherever women lack power over the basic needs of their communities, beginning with water.

More About Us



Our Story

Years of Support

Just $75 will sponsor a Water Woman and provide four families with clean water and better health for years to come. We accept donations online and by mail.

The Results

Women and their children are disproportionately affected by waterborne diseases and lack of access to clean drinking water. Contaminated water is responsible for 90% of deaths among children under the age of 5, and also contributes to serious health problems including diarrhea, intestinal parasites, miscarriage, and vaginal diseases.
to help us recruit, train, and empower more Water Women.

in many other ways to support our life-saving mission.